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Offline urleft

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Re: Gun Culture in USA
« Reply #195 on: May 19, 2012, 08:39:57 AM »
Urleft you need to have a close look at yourself,,,,,Let me give you something else to chew on....Anyone who isnt American knows why!!

Well as more evidence comes public, I get more and more confused on why Anyone who isnt American knows why!!
I am impressed that "everyone" with spokesman Nookie knew all this and "knew why".  But because I am a dumb American that tries to get the facts before I come to a conclusion, I still have no idea why "Anyone who isnt American knows why!!" 

Again, what are you talking about?

Maybe this will help you understand ......


Or this


Or this


Or this



What do these have to do with the question?  Here is Nookies post:

Well at last The 'neighbourhood watch' guy has been charged with 2nd degree murder....WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG.........We all know dont we!!
After just reading the previous threads .........
Urleft ,I seriously think you have a serious problem.........Maybe 'a couple of bricks short of a load'!!

According to Nookie you all know why it took so long for Zimmerman to be charged with 2nd degree murder.  Based on the evidence that is finally be made public instead of cherry picked for propaganda purposes, it seems Zimmerman acted in self defense and should have the charges dropped. 


So your articles have nothing to do with 2nd Degree Murder charges against Zimmerman, which is what everyone but Americans understand why it took so long. 

Offline Mungbar

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Re: Gun Culture in USA
« Reply #196 on: May 21, 2012, 06:45:00 AM »
Urleft you need to have a close look at yourself,,,,,Let me give you something else to chew on....Anyone who isnt American knows why!!
Because 95% of Americans are gooses Nookie

Offline Mungbar

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Re: Gun Culture in USA
« Reply #197 on: May 21, 2012, 07:16:41 AM »
Urleft you need to have a close look at yourself,,,,,Let me give you something else to chew on....Anyone who isnt American knows why!!
The gun culture in America has created a country full psychopaths

Offline urleft

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Re: Gun Culture in USA
« Reply #198 on: June 23, 2012, 10:00:42 PM »
For my Gun Buddy Nookie:

[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline taurus

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Re: Gun Culture in USA
« Reply #199 on: June 24, 2012, 07:57:45 AM »
Quote from....

Perhaps one of the most recognizable attribute a Thai cop has is his large shiny piece of nickel and steel. I’m not talking about their badge. I’m referring to the large .357 magnum revolver strapped to their hip. Sure all guns are no joke, but a .357 magnum can really do some serious damage. People can still recover with a 9mm gun shot wound to the stomach, which is standard issue side arm used by police in the Western hemisphere. But a large caliber bullet such as a .357 to the stomach will ensure that you’ll be sipping your supper through a straw for the rest of your life. That is if you survive.  blink1
Yeah I have seen cops on traffic duty here directing young 7 year old kids to School, with his trusty magnum in its holster ,maybe he's waiting for one of the kids to "make his day" by getting out of hand , if it was,nt so pathetic it could be viewed as laughable .

Offline Paddyram

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Re: Gun Culture in USA
« Reply #200 on: June 25, 2012, 09:19:04 PM »
I would imagine it is more to do with the fact that Thai police have to buy their own gun and that revolvers are much cheaper to buy than the 9mm, 10mm, .45, .40, etc. calibre automatics pistols.  Most of those "357 revolver's" could actually be 38's as they are basically the same calibre just the 357 has more powder behind it.  Did you get close to see the 3-5-7 on the barrel ?

Although, they will all still kill you, when you're dead you won't care what the gun was.

Offline urleft

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Re: Gun Culture in USA
« Reply #201 on: June 25, 2012, 10:06:17 PM »
I would imagine it is more to do with the fact that Thai police have to buy their own gun and that revolvers are much cheaper to buy than the 9mm, 10mm, .45, .40, etc. calibre automatics pistols.  Most of those "357 revolver's" could actually be 38's as they are basically the same calibre just the 357 has more powder behind it.  Did you get close to see the 3-5-7 on the barrel ?

Although, they will all still kill you, when you're dead you won't care what the gun was.

there is a lot of issues as to what caliber to use, it basically depends on your target.  A decent gauge for Human targets can be seen here:


It depends on what you are trying to do. 

I have a .40 Cal Glock that is my weapon of choice.  However I also have a .357 with a 6" barrel that I have used with Bird Shot to take out rats. 

I have a .177 cal air gun with scope that I have taken out rabbits in my yard, and made good grilling.   

My 12 guage I have used for Doves and has a slug barrel for deer.  I added some 00 buck, but have yet to use it. 

Bottom line is that your caliber is depedant on your target.

Offline taurus

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Re: Gun Culture in USA
« Reply #202 on: June 26, 2012, 03:41:24 AM »
I would imagine it is more to do with the fact that Thai police have to buy their own gun and that revolvers are much cheaper to buy than the 9mm, 10mm, .45, .40, etc. calibre automatics pistols.  Most of those "357 revolver's" could actually be 38's as they are basically the same calibre just the 357 has more powder behind it.  Did you get close to see the 3-5-7 on the barrel ?

Although, they will all still kill you, when you're dead you won't care what the gun was.
No Paddy I did not get close enough to see the 357 ,I just said Magnum any way ,but that is not the point really, WTF did he need a holstered sidearm to direct 7 year old kids across the road for :) ,to me its some sort of "macho" thing ,I see them quite regular swaggering round the fresh produce market in pairs with their guns ,maybe they are expecting a "hold up " of someone running off with a cabbage eh :D in England we have "lollypop ladies" escorting school kids across the road ,here they have Thailands answer to "Dirty Harry" of course I could well be wrong in my assumptions ,but when I see 4 cops in a quite little out of sight noodle shop wearing guns and downing low khow like its going out of fashion I have come to the conclusion that something is not "quite right"  :)

Offline urleft

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Re: Gun Culture in USA
« Reply #203 on: July 21, 2012, 09:48:40 PM »
A world perspective:

Offline urleft

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Re: Gun Culture in USA
« Reply #204 on: August 03, 2012, 09:34:54 PM »
For Nookie.

As I am still trying to understand what everyone other than Americans know: 

Offline Alan

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Re: Gun Culture in USA
« Reply #205 on: August 03, 2012, 11:33:38 PM »
For Nookie.

As I am still trying to understand what everyone other than Americans know: 

And your point is?

Offline urleft

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Re: Gun Culture in USA
« Reply #206 on: December 16, 2012, 11:21:17 PM »
Another Crazed individual has gone postal in America. 

He attacked in a Gun Free Zone where guns are illegal.   Why did that not stop him?   

He was Goth, which is associated with the Left Wing, Democrats, and gun control (banning) party.  Why did he need a gun?   

So this happened in a gun free zone where law abiding people are disarmed, but crazed people can find defenseless targets.   

While some on this forum may consider me crazed and such, my idea of a great killing would be taking out the world's greatest sniper during a mission.  I would never consider defenseless people targets.   My hero is Carlos Heathcock, put the round through the scope.

Offline Ahab

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Re: Gun Culture in USA
« Reply #207 on: December 17, 2012, 12:27:11 AM »

While some on this forum may consider me crazed and such, my idea of a great killing would be taking out the world's greatest sniper during a mission.  I would never consider defenseless people targets.   My hero is Carlos Heathcock, put the round through the scope.
For the record I am one  of the people on this forum that do not think you are crazy (at least from what you have posted on this website).

Offline BillH52

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Re: Gun Culture in USA
« Reply #208 on: December 17, 2012, 12:30:19 AM »
Its says such a lot for Americans that they seem to get 'a buzz' by owning countless guns/rifles

Wonder if anyone on this forum can correctly identify where the American 'buzz' originated and in what year?  As a hint, it was the same time & place their 2nd Amendment rights came from, plus names exactly who was attempting to eliminate the 'buzz'?   

Offline Ahab

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Re: Gun Culture in USA
« Reply #209 on: December 17, 2012, 12:35:40 AM »
For Nookie.

As I am still trying to understand what everyone other than Americans know:
What some Americans know is that Trevon Martin was most likely a hoodlum that assaulted and beat the crap out of George Zimmerman before Mr. Zimmerman used a legally owned and permitted firearm in self defense to save his own life.

What everyone other than (some) Americans need to learn is that every human has an inherent right to self defense.


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