

Author Topic: THAI PASSPORT  (Read 23633 times)

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Offline TBWG

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« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2010, 11:32:18 PM »

I think you will find that it is none of the above.

I.E. they do not come to Buriram!  They did at some stage but it ceased, maybe it was like the one they had weekly in Surin. It was too popular so they canceled it! :o

However the passport office in Khorat is very efficient and easy to find!

TBWG sawadi

Currently in  saintgeorgeflag but not for long!

Offline maraudingscot

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« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2010, 11:44:01 PM »
 character1 saintgeorgeflag   whistle

cool thanks for the replies 8)

I will see what she says about Khorat, but as you say if something is to popular it gets cancelled, I have noticed this back here in Sunny Britain to. oldmanwithstick

So you musthave your bags packed and ready to go by now TBWG? excercise1

Offline maraudingscot

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« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2010, 08:33:46 PM »
OK. latest up date.  clap

Went to Thai passport office in Bangkok on level B1 in CENTRE in BANG NA. Taxi from Jomtien 1,200 Baht. bus from Soi 5 (will drop you off if you ask nicely  sawadi ) 150Baht  stop1

Got their at 8:20 am (new passport not renewal, so slightly longer process) done and dusted at 9:20 am! back to Jomtien for 12 noon.

Ok two days later go back to Centre in BANG NA bus got us there at 9:30 am pick up passport and outside waiting for taxi at 9:40  redman

So now off to Regents House to see about visa!  confused4

So arrive at Regents House around 10am so go to first floor and shown into a very nice office to have a little discussion with a very nice lady. She can help me do visa application for a small fee  wildman but as I had everything with me I declined her offer  blushbar
So made sure we had everything and they kindly took photo off gf and I parted with a pricely sum of 4,000 Baht  surrender1
So gf is whisked off to another office and I sit and purvey the scenery  :dry:
Some 40 minutes later done! exclaim

So ioff to get bus back to Jomtien, this time had to go to Victory monument to catch bus, not a long wait 30 minutes and a bus ride back to hotel .
gf receives text on her phone on way back to Jopmtien, visa application now lodged with British embassy, so now its the big waiting game!  whistle alcoholic
SO onlky 12 days left to see if we get approval or not!

I could say more but gf is falling asleep here in the internet cafe. so its off for a beer if I am allowed or maybe a cup of tea and bed!  coffeeman chairhit

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« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2010, 08:54:01 PM »
now its the big waiting as you said.  reiki1 but being in pattaya and going early to bed?? grin buttslap

Offline maraudingscot

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« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2010, 12:21:27 PM »

Well bad news on the visa front!

 hahaha Having provided bank statements, phone bills, photos, letters, a covering letter from sponsor, house details, wage slips etc etc, they have said insuficient evidence of a substansive relationship! F*** me what more do they want???? blood groups and videos of a happily mating couple to prove that we have a relationship!!  brick1 brick1 brick1 brick1
So having sent a few strong worded e-mails to various British representatives in Thailand, not that it woulds do anygood.  gayparade

Its back to the drawing board. wildman

So will have to build more evidence and apply again next year when I come over again! Yes gf could go to Bangkok and do herself but prefers me there so she does not have to think!


Offline Fish

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« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2010, 03:35:18 PM »

So now off to Regents House to see about visa!  confused4

So arrive at Regents House around 10am so go to first floor and shown into a very nice office to have a little discussion with a very nice lady. She can help me do visa application for a small fee  wildman but as I had everything with me I declined her offer  blushbar
So made sure we had everything and they kindly took photo off gf and I parted with a pricely sum of 4,000 Baht  surrender1
So gf is whisked off to another office and I sit and purvey the scenery  :dry:
Some 40 minutes later done! exclaim

Looks like to start with you got scammed by one of agencies that have set up in Regents House. (4,000 Baht for a photo boy they saw you coming)

The VFS office is on the 2nd floor and the staff look like this

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« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2010, 03:39:44 PM »
Information about the VFS can be found here as well: sawadi


Offline Fish

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« Reply #22 on: November 26, 2010, 03:45:39 PM »
Did you look on the http://www.thailand-uk.com/ website? For visa advice as I suggested in my reply to your pm to me. I used the site when preparing my Mrs Visit Visa and it was granted first time.

Offline maraudingscot

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« Reply #23 on: November 26, 2010, 08:15:20 PM »


Yes fish, I did and my mistake for saying 1st floor, we brits tend to refer to ground floor then first floor, where the world seem to refer to the floor above ground level as being the 2nd floor and the ground floor as the first! party13

Anyway yes 3,500 Baht for application and 5 hundred Baht for photo of gf and some other rubbish. Oh and the agency woman wanted 20,000 Baht top do ap for me  newbie

Still wondering what 'sufficient' evidence of a relationship would be?  chairhit
shopping bills? receipts for clothes! bills for meals together! photos provided were evidence of us together, but as they said 'mear holiday snaps'  wave1

So anyway will have to apply again. moneysmile I just think I got a grumpy minion that may have fallen out with her boyfriend that morning or was hung over from the night before. or some other such thing and just wanted to seek her revenge and make her allotment in life appear more fruitful!
 gripe gripe gripe >:(
Anyway still have 2 weeks holiday left and BBBB in 5 days time  crazydance
« Last Edit: November 26, 2010, 08:17:51 PM by maraudingscot »

Offline Fish

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« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2010, 08:21:31 PM »
Did you include any photos of you both with her family at the family home etc?
If not put some in with your next application.

Offline maraudingscot

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« Reply #25 on: December 14, 2010, 12:40:01 AM »

Hi Fish,
Yeah had a few photos of me sitting on the veranda with her daughter and neice also a couple of the whole family and some of us sitting eating party15

Anyway all my worded e-mails have drawn a blank and it is surprising how many departments within the British Embassy use the same wording in their replies!  blah2

Anyway one of the criterias they said she did not put down was her itinery (she did list this but in a loose schedule) so will have to do a day by day iternary with alternative venues if weather inclemnant)  winkboy
Anyway looking back on it I think the girl at VFS was inleague with the visa agency outside as she was not helpful at all. They are suppose to check applications and make sure everything is there! which it was but app was turned down same day it arrived at the British embassy, so feel it was not given due conciderization!

grip grip grip knuppel2


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