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Re: Suvarnabhumi urged to go smoke-free
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2010, 06:15:17 PM »
"Ah Dimples, yes agree with the side effects caused by to much of the falling down juice. But it is down to the freedom of choice by the individual as to how mao he gets! or not as the case maybe."

Exactly my point maraudingscot "freedom of choice by the individual"

I fail to understand why drinkers have freedom of choice to become drunk, cause problems for others, kill themselves and often passing innocents; while smokers are denied their freedom of choice because they might make someone cough.

It matters not if I am a smoker or otherwise - both should have freedom of choice in my opinion.

Smokers damage themselves and anyone beside them, while Alcohol drinker, in the act of drinking only damage his own body only.

If there are any violence actions the alcohol drinker is doing, than its of course forbidden...  swordfight

I quit smoking long time ago, I was drinking and smoking.
I can tell you Alcohol is much easier to quit and much less addictive than Nicotine but I guess its very individual because I see there are still many alcoholists.. some drink in the morning and saying they are just enjoying life?!  whistle
How can enjoy a drink in the morning?! its not an enjoyment is slavery and pure addiction.

sorry if anyone offended by any of my opinions.....  slapfight
« Last Edit: November 13, 2010, 06:19:00 PM by ADMIN »

Offline dimple joe

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Re: Suvarnabhumi urged to go smoke-free
« Reply #16 on: November 14, 2010, 10:36:27 AM »
Smokers damage themselves and anyone beside them, while Alcohol drinker, in the act of drinking only damage his own body only. 

Damage to anyone beside them is merely an opinion - not fact - an opinion from the same medical profession which one month tells us this or that is bad for you and a while later says "whoops sorry, we got it wrong; it's actually good for you"!

Some people will die from cancer, the same as others will die from a stroke or kidney failure etc., etc., because that is the way their body is made.

In the same way some people are short, fat, bald headed and ugly, while others (myself for instance) are tall, slim, with full flowing locks and have the face and body of an Adonis - it's just the luck of the draw.

However, it is fact that any evening (or day for that matter) you can be confronted with a stumbling, dribbling drunk who will curse and swear, vomit, fall down, frighten your family and get in his car and drive off.

In the emergency room of any hospital anywhere in the world you will see the effects of drinking. The place will be full of people bloodied and battered, the nurses verbally and physically abused and none of this caused by smoking.

Many women are physically and or sexually abused, and wives and families wait in fear for their man to come home; do you think it's because he may have been smoking or sitting near smokers?

My point is that it is ludicrous to ban an activity which may cause harm to others, while allowing an activity which definitely will.

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Re: Suvarnabhumi urged to go smoke-free
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2010, 01:24:41 PM »
Passive smoking 'causes one in 100 deaths worldwide'
By Daily Mail Reporter
26th November 2010

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1333184/Passive-smoking-causes-100-deaths-worldwide.html#ixzz18Fl9qUE5


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