Are there any sports shops in Buriram? I want to buy a slingshot
You can find Sling Shots for sale in the morning market of Buriram, Soonthornthep road.
Sports shops in Buriram:
There are few big ones, one on Thani road opposite "Government Saving Bank".
Another one is located on Paludmuang road, close to "Shell" gas station (Opposite them, few meters down the road on the way to the traffic lights).
"Taweekit" supercenter (on Jira road) have sports shop inside the mall (In the supermarket area).
"Big c" on Jira road the way out of town have also sport accessories and tools inside the supermarket area(close to the electric department).
See Buriram city map here (You can always take a color printed detailed Buriram map in "Buriram Expats" office): the best bet would be to look in the morning market and the area surround the market is full with hardware and tools for farming, usually Thai villagers using it to catch birds and animals in the forests to eat.
Can I ask why do you want to but Sling Shot?

The Sling Shot Man