looking for an air-condition sales and service for the Prakon Chai Buriram area,also need information on a furniture shop in Buriram,thanks for the help
About the Aircon Installer, see this thread:
http://www.buriramexpats.com/forum/index.php/topic,2638.0.htmlWhere to buy aircon, There are aircon for sale in "Big-C" Buriram, which I think is the best place to buy with guarantee and good selection of aircon kinds.
"Makro" sell aircons as well. (down on the same road as "Big-C").
Take a look at "Tawikit" "POWER BUY" shop inside also have aircons.
I believe wherever you'll choose to buy an aircon they will supply installer as well.
Furnitures:Take a look at Sukontamat road, there are several furniture shops on this street.
Jira road, opposite police station (just few meters down the road).
"Ice furniture" on Paladmuang road is also a furniture shop offering curtains and kitchens in special order as well.
Find all the roads I mentioned in Buriram city map: http://www.buriramexpats.com/wp-content/gallery/maps/buriram-map.jpgIf you have any further questions or information to share with us we're here!!