You know you're addicted to "Buriram Expats" Forum when...1. you know all the bars & restaurants in Buriram.
2. you check new post everyday before brushing you teeth.
3. you half drunk after a night out and log-in to check new updates.
4. when you can't sleep and log-in to the forum.
5. when it's your first holiday back home in over a year, and you spend half of every day checking out what's new in the forum...
6. when you wake up in the middle of the night and there are no new posts in the forum you turn off the PC and go back to sleep.
7. when you explain people how to pronounce EXPATS..
8. when is your HOMEPAGE.
9. when you check Currency Exchange Rates in buriramexpats homepage
10. when you read this thread and actually REPLY.