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Simple Farang Food Recipes.
« on: August 28, 2008, 11:08:05 AM »
From time to time I'll give you simple recipes for simple Farang food that can be made easily with local indegrents available in our area.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2012, 10:40:48 PM by Admin »

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Re: Simple Farang Food Recipes.
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2008, 03:14:01 AM »
Well all my sporting exploits have given me hunger pangs so  I have decided to move on to something else close to my heart,,,GRUB! hungry1

Following Admins admirable lead I have decided to give you the benefit of one of my delicious recipes and hope other members will follow suit. happy2

All the ingredients are readily available with perhaps the exception of anchovies but they are available in Bangkok and Korat.

So you need some firm sweet red peppers.

Some cherry tomatoes

Couple of garlic cloves

Olive oil


Loaf of French bread & a bottle of nice red. party9

Cut the peppers in half and de seed them, if you cut them through the stalk it will help them retain their shape whilst cooking.

Chop the garlic cloves into fine slices, cut cherry tomatoes in half and chop a few anchovy fillets into small pieces amount depending on how salty you like things.

Fill the pepper halves with tomatoes along with a few pieces of sliced garlic and anchovie pieces. Then fill the pepper halves with olive oil. If required add fresh ground pepper to taste.

Put a small amount of olive oil in a baking dish to stop them sticking. Then bake them in a hot oven until the edges begin to burn (gives it a nutty flavour) approx 45 + mins.

Put the French bread in the oven for a few mins to warm, pour a large glass of red and enjoy, French bread ideal for soaking up the oil and juices.

Then have another large glass of red and a nap!  party9 tired2

Enjoy TBWG

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Re: Simple Farang Food Recipes.
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2008, 03:18:59 AM »
Re Red pepper recipe on second thoughts only put 2 tablespoons of oil in each pepper half ...filling them up, a bit OTT! party3

TBWG sawadi

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Re: Simple Farang Food Recipes.
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2008, 08:21:20 PM »
great recipe, but where you can get anchovie in Buriram ?

Apart from "pizza company" Extra anchovie..  :biggrin:

Many kind of dishes can be made and upgraded when add anchovies. for example I have special sardines salad with anchovy recipe to give you.. umm.. later on..  confused5

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Re: Simple Farang Food Recipes.
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2008, 12:12:17 PM »
A recipe for one of the most popular egg dishes in Israel.

This recipe is so easy to make that even your thai partner can easily make it and even enjoy to eat it later !! (just keep it spicy). 

The Shakshuka Recipe
Yield: 6 servings

1 medium size Onion, cut to small pieces.
2 pounds fresh tomatoes, unpeeled and cut in quarters, or one 28-ounce can tomatoes

6 cloves garlic, roughly diced

2 teaspoons salt, or to taste

1 teaspoon sweet paprika

2 teaspoons tomato paste

1/4 cup vegetable oil

6 large eggs

1. pour the vegetable oil into a 12-inch frying pan,then put the onion pieces until they get clear color.

2. Place the tomatoes, garlic, salt, paprika, tomato paste in the pan. Bring to a simmer and cook, uncovered ,over low heat until thick, for about 25 minutes, stirring occasionally.

3. Bring to a sim­mer and break the eggs over the tomatoes. Gently break the yolks with a fork. Cover and continue to cook for about 3 to 4 minutes, until the eggs are set. Bring the frying pan directly to the table. Set it on a trivet and spoon out the shakshuka.
* Though,Eat without spoon and with hot baugette bread pieces is tastier. !!

**This recipe can be modify to match different flavours, such as:adding mushrooms,meat from any kind,red hot chilly to spicy the recipe is also recommended if you'de like to share with you thai partner  confused1 however "Pala" is not recommended as n add-on. steamingMad

This is how it should look like:
(see picture to get an idea how the ultimate dish suppose to look like)

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« Last Edit: September 02, 2008, 12:30:33 PM by ADMIN »

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Re: Simple Farang Food Recipes.
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2008, 10:12:25 PM »
No reply for the "shakshuka" recipe ?! confused4 ,you have to try it.

Anyway I continue with my simple farang food recipe journey  cool1

Just started to make pickled cucumber in salt, results within few days.

Some farang gave me a speciel recipe for unique cheese that will make you go nuts that its even possible to have it in Thailand and Isaan especially!!!its so simple!! jumping8
Project will start within Max 2-3 days.

Enjoy! sawadi

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« Last Edit: September 14, 2008, 12:01:21 AM by ADMIN »

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Re: Simple Farang Food Recipes.
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2008, 06:16:12 PM »
pickled cucumbers in salt COMPLETED !!


Small Cucambers.

2 red chillies.

3 teeth of garlic.

2 big spoons of salt.

1 medium size Glass jar. (Plastic jar is not recommended as the taste can be damaged).


-Put first the garlic teeth to the bottom of the jar.
-Put the cucambers inside the jar.
-between the cucambers put the red chilies not before you cutnotch them.
(to spice a little the pickles..).

Take 2 glasses of water (drinking water not the city hall water..  sick1) and mix with 2 spoons of salt untill the salt mix with the water.

*better practice is to boil the water with the salt,it will also help to shortcut the pickle proccess as well.

pour the water into the jar and close it hermetically(!).

Leave the jar in a temperature room (not inside the fridge).
Proccess will take between 4-5 days.
When the cucambers are ready keep the jar in fridge.

Bon appetite !! sawadi

ps:picture took after eat 3 pickles already.. tastey hehe  hungry1

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« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 11:59:33 PM by ADMIN »

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Re: Simple Farang Food Recipes.
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2008, 11:56:53 PM »
pickled cucumbers in salt COMPLETED !!


Small Cucambers.

2 red chillies.

3 teeth of garlic.

2 big spoons of salt.

1 medium size Glass jar. (Plastic jar is not recommended as the taste can be damaged).


-Put first the garlic teeth to the bottom of the jar.
-Put the cucambers inside the jar.
-between the cucambers put the red chilies not before you cutnotch them.
(to spice a little the pickles..).

Take 2 glasses of water (drinking water not the city hall water..  sick1) and mix with 2 spoons of salt untill the salt mix with the water.

*better practice is to boil the water with the salt,it will also help to shortcut the pickle proccess as well.

pour the water into the jar and close it hermetically(!).

Leave the jar in a temperature room (not inside the fridge).
Proccess will take between 4-5 days.
When the cucambers are ready keep the jar in fridge.

Bon appetite !! sawadi

ps:picture took after eat 3 pickles already.. tastey hehe  hungry1


Is there any difference between pickling them in vinegar rather than salt water?

TBWG sawadi

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Re: Simple Farang Food Recipes.
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2008, 09:41:05 AM »
difference between the taste or the recipe?

I prefer to pickle them in salt as I dont like pickles in Vinegar.but of course its a question of taste only. both will do the job.. jumping9

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Re: Simple Farang Food Recipes.
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2008, 11:59:33 AM »
No reply for the "shakshuka" recipe ?! confused4 ,you have to try it.

Anyway I continue with my simple farang food recipe journey  cool1

Just started to make pickled cucumber in salt, results within few days.

Some farang gave me a speciel recipe for unique cheese that will make you go nuts that its even possible to have it in Thailand and Isaan especially!!!its so simple!! jumping8
Project will start within Max 2-3 days.

Enjoy! sawadi

Hi again, ok not 2-3 days,had some issues needed to be taken care of..   confused3

Simple recipe for a middle eastern cheese "Labane":
link for those not familiar with this kind of cheese:  http://www.canaancheeses.co.nz/Labane.htm


1 sour cream box ("makro" milk-fridge / 31 baht).

1 Litre of milk 3% fat.

1/2 table spoon. (depend how salty you want your cheese,but this one reccomended by me).


Pour all the milk into a pot and boil the milk until the milk is hot.then take the pot off and let the
milk get cool in room temperatue.

Once the milk is cooled enough pour ALL the sour-cream iinto the milki and mix together.
Cover the pot and leave it over night-time (10 hours).

Morning you'll open the pot and see the milk has gotten thicker and have some blocks of cheese,mix it again,add the salt and put in fridge for 1 hour.

Later on-take a piece of cotton cloth and pour the cheese into it and tie it together.hang it under the sun for 10 more hours.
*this action is to make the cheese dry and let all the water inside the drop out.its also give the cheese the sour taste that is unique for this type of cheese (and few others..).

As you can see it takes a very long time but most time you just wait and let the natural proccess make the job for you..
It taste devine!!  happy2

Good luck with it,if you have any further questions or advice me on some of your simple farang recipe  madbar I'll be happy to get comments here and will surely post when the cheese will be ready.

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« Last Edit: October 31, 2008, 12:10:27 PM by ADMIN »

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Re: Simple Farang Food Recipes.
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2008, 09:46:23 PM »
Adding just now the picture to show the proccess of making the cheese,so.... ::) here,thats how you should hung the cheese and let the water drip off through the cotton cloth ,when its ready just take the cheese out with clean spoon or something to a box and back to the fridge.
just keep it clean,try and you'll see its worth more then any cheese you'll buy in here. ;D

Pictures of the cheese itself are not available as I ate it straight away with friends later in the same day in the evening forgetting I need to make photo for you guys..never mind next time more photos and of course more recipes..  party9

Give me something from your own as well.it can help alot to liven up the forum here on this part.

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Re: Simple Farang Food Recipes.
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2008, 08:51:19 PM »
nice admin but I'm afraid I'm too lazy doing all this chef things,I'll stick to my wife's stick rice?! :'(

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Re: Simple Farang Food Recipes.
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2009, 07:01:31 PM »
Bums,show me your chef skills. maybe we should start a topic called "Survive in the Isaan". confused4

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Re: Simple Farang Food Recipes.
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2009, 11:45:45 AM »
Back to "simple farang recipe" , this time a very simple recipe you all can do at home.
(*be carefull from the sweet mionez,it can ruin any recipe. ??? ,on this point I'll give you a gold advice,only "kraft" brand or the home-made french guy mionez selling in "tuwikit", don't be tempted by price nor size of the jar. :laugh: ).

So,today's recipe: EGG SALAD: 2 versions:

Version 1:


2 boiled eggs.

1 medium size boiled potato.

2 big spoons of mionez.

Salt & Black Pepper.

Take the boiled eggs and clush them with a fork,do the same with the potato.
Mix together with the mionez and add salt and pepper according to the taste.

That's it,it's ready and can be as a side salad with any main dish or simply on bread.

*Add small cuted cucamber pickles to the salad.
*Add small table-spoon of mustard (prefered "dijon") to the salad.
*Add onion (green onion is possible as well) to the salad.

Tuna lovers: Add tuna into the salad and mix,amount depand on your personal taste.  happy2
Version 2: Same but without the potatos. (I know its hard sometime to find potatos in the villege.

 party10 Bon appetit.

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« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 10:06:30 AM by ADMIN »

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Re: Simple Farang Food Recipes.
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2010, 10:48:12 PM »
Eggplant Tomato Salad:

1 medium-small Eggplant
1 medium-small Onion.
3-5 teeth of garlic.
5 medium size of tomatoes.
3-5 Red Chili.
1/2 tea spoon of salt.


Take a steel net and place it on the gas stove.
Open the gas and light up fire and grill the eggplant (complete,don't cut it yet!).
Grill it on all sides until the cover start(!) to get burn, just to get the flavor and cook the eggplant properly.

Take another pan and put some oil in, put the onion,garlic and chili (cutted to small pieces) into the pan and roast all of it until the onion will lose its color. (but don't burn it).
Put the Tomatoes in and add some water in (half small glass of water will be enough, use clean water of course,not from the tap).
Cover the pan until all tomatoes get cooked.

In the mean time, the eggplant already got cool enough that you can take off all the inside and separate it from its black cover.
*The smell will be good.  smilenod

Cut the clean eggplant into small pieces.

As all the tomatoes in the pan will be soft and ready, mush than to complete process.
Add the eggplant and close the gas/fire.

Stir and mix gently.
Let it chill and its ready to eat.
*Can store in a box in the fridge and eat later as well.
Good as sandwich salad to spread on bread or eat as side dish/starter.

Bon Appetit  hungry1 happy3

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« Last Edit: April 05, 2010, 11:10:36 PM by ADMIN »


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