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Offline TBWG

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Issue/Renew Thai Passport in Thailand.
« on: October 27, 2008, 09:47:31 PM »

The Boss Ladies Thai passport expires soon ...  anyone know details of the Korat passport office :unsure:. tel no and address would be great.

I gather they (the passport officials) visit Buriram occasionally anyone know if that is true and if so when and where?

Thanks TBWG sawadi

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Re: Issue/Renew Thai Passport in Thailand.
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2008, 07:12:56 PM »

Offline TBWG

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Re: Issue/Renew Thai Passport in Thailand.
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2008, 09:02:32 PM »
Hi Admin

Now that is useful... perhaps they should be pinned somewhere :nowink:

TBWG sawadi

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Re: Issue/Renew Thai Passport in Thailand.
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2010, 04:14:55 AM »
Hello everyone,
I have a question that I hope you can help me with,
basically I want my Thai step daughter to come and live with me in the UK.
whilst on my last trip to Buriram we got full legal custody put in my Thai wifes name at the amper with consent from her natural father, all good and on the right path,
we needed to come home due to work etc without sorting out all of the visa etc.

Since coming home her grand parents tried to get her passport made up and have told us that my wife needs to be in Thailand to do this,
I don't know if this is the case as we have already been on a merry go round with ampers and officials when I tried to adopt her when I was there at Christmas, it seemed that the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing and we were sent from pillar to post with no success. And I feel that this could also be the case with the issue of a passport without the presence of my wife.
Is it possible to obtain her passport without us being in Thailand 
or could we do this from the UK?
Please help as any advice would be great as we are very keen to reunite our family.

Regards Jon Terry.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2010, 09:30:03 AM by ADMIN »

Offline TBWG

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Re: Issue/Renew Thai Passport in Thailand.
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2010, 09:52:57 PM »
Hello everyone,
I have a question that I hope you can help me with,
basically I want my Thai step daughter to come and live with me in the UK.
whilst on my last trip to Buriram we got full legal custody put in my Thai wifes name at the amper with consent from her natural father, all good and on the right path,
we needed to come home due to work etc without sorting out all of the visa etc.

Since coming home her grand parents tried to get her passport made up and have told us that my wife needs to be in Thailand to do this,
I don't know if this is the case as we have already been on a merry go round with ampers and officials when I tried to adopt her when I was there at Christmas, it seemed that the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing and we were sent from pillar to post with no success. And I feel that this could also be the case with the issue of a passport without the presence of my wife.
Is it possible to obtain her passport without us being in Thailand 


Whilst I do not know the answer to your question I can in fact tell you of our own experience in trying to get a passport for Thai Stepson aged 16.

His father is out of the country so we were unable to get his consent, however after going through the legal procedure my wife was granted sole custody.

This enabled us to get a passport in Khorat and providing you had all the paperwork it was a fairly speedy efficient process. My wife went with him for the application as he had to appear in person for the official passport photograph which is taken on site. Now whether she had to be there with him or not I do not know but suspect yes as his guardian.

What I would suggest is that you ring the Khorat passport office and get your wife to get full chapter and verse on the requirements.

Check this out... http://korat-weekends.blogspot.com/2009/10/nakhon-ratchasima-passport-office.html

Good Luck TBWG sawadi
« Last Edit: March 17, 2010, 09:58:21 PM by ADMIN »

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Re: Issue/Renew Thai Passport in Thailand.
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2011, 11:28:31 PM »
Korat Passport Office

Korat Passport Office or Nakhon Ratchasima Passport Office is located on Mahat-thai street, the place located on the basement of the building where Krung Thai Bank (Salaklang sub-branch) is on the ground floor.
Its near to the building of Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Hall (Salaklang Building).

The service take approximately 10 minutes only, need to show Thai id card to apply for passport. Finger prints will be taken and they will take photo for the Thai passport with their camera in place.

The price is 1,000 Baht + 35 Baht for mailing your passport back to your address. You will get your passport in one week.

1st class service!  oldmanwithstick


Nakhon Ratchasima Passport Office
Building of Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Hall (Salaklang)
Mahat-Thai street, Muang district
Nakhon Ratchasima

Tel 044-243-132, 044-243-124
Fax 044-243-133

สำนักงานหนังสือเดินทางชั่วคราว จ. นครราชสีมา
ถ.มหาดไทย อ.เมือง จ.นครราชสีมา 30000

โทร 044-243-132, 044-243-124
โทรสาร 044-243-133


อาคารสำนักงานหนังสือเดินทางชั่วคราว จ.นครราชสีมา หาไม่ยากเลย อยู่กลางใจเมืองโคราช ใกล้ๆอาคารศาลากลางจังหวัด อาคารสำนักงานจะรูปร่างหน้าตาเหมือนในรูป อยู่ข้างประตูทางเข้าศาลากลาง ฝั่งถนนมหาดไทย อีกด้านหนึ่งของอาคารนี้จะเป็นที่ตั้งของธนาคารกรุงไทย สาขาย่อยศาลากลางจากฟุตบาท ต้องเดินลงบันไดเล็กน้อย อาคารรูปร่างแปลกตานี้ เมื่อก่อนใช้เป็นศูนย์อำนวยการเมื่อครั้งโคราชเป็นเจ้าภาพจัดซีเกมส์ 2007

เอกสารที่ใช้สำหรับการทำหนังสือเดินทาง ก็ใช้เพียงบัตรประจำตัวประชาชนตัวจริงเท่านั้น ใช้เวลาเพียงประมาณไม่เกิน 10 นาที ค่าทำหนังสือเดินทาง 1,000 บาท ค่าจัดส่งหนังสือเดินทางให้ที่บ้านอีก 35 บาท หนังสือเดินทางจะจัดส่งถึงบ้านภายใน 1 สัปดาห์

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« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 11:41:18 PM by ADMIN »

Offline scruffys

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Re: Issue/Renew Thai Passport in Thailand.
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2011, 03:09:55 PM »
 just a post to tell anyone whose uk children need a thai passport, that the korat passport office issue thai passports for  uk children,
as long as mother and father are there to sign,  and you have all the required paperwork,it saves a trip to bangkok

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: Issue/Renew Thai Passport in Thailand.
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2011, 03:25:03 PM »
Obtained passports for my 2 children at Korat last year on different days.

First one for son went smoothly, but the 2nd was a problem as they discovered the Thai spelling of surname was different on the birth certificate and house registration. One letter was a Thai "B" and the other a Thai"F". The difference is minute, but they refused to issue the passport and told the wife to go and have everything altered.

My wife agreed, but I refused. (as is my nature!)  Demanded to see a superior, and told him that my son had the same spelling and there was no problem.

Files obtained, huge screen prints obtained, and they had to admit their earlier mistake. Then agreed to issue passport for daughter, provided wife and I signed a disclaimer  absolving them form any liability. Done. No problems encountered when flying.


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