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Offline maraudingscot

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #150 on: October 30, 2010, 12:15:59 PM »

china airlines best price i've found so far

Offline garytaffy

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #151 on: October 31, 2010, 03:11:56 AM »
Hi  Almog, Emirates is the best for me by £160 over Etihad. I fly from Birmingham next month as opposed Heathrow which maybe cheaper? For me the extortionate parking charges/petrol or tube/ train etc to get back up to the border from London doesnt make it an attractive proposition. Going to be arriving the evening of the 1st Dec so will miss out on the BBB night...........gutted so close but so far >:(.

cool3 I saw China airlines were good on price but flights with emirates suited me better.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2010, 09:14:34 AM by ADMIN »

Dave the Dude

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #152 on: October 31, 2010, 05:43:08 PM »
or Eva but TMWG lives near to Gatwick and nearly all the others fly out of Thiefrow

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #153 on: October 31, 2010, 08:17:18 PM »

Oh well thats my theory shot down in flames ~~ Excuse pun!

31 October 2010 Last updated at 12:55 GMT

One of the two bombs posted from Yemen last week was transported on two passenger planes before being seized in Dubai, Qatar Airways says.

The device was carried on a Qatar Airbus A320 from Yemen's capital Sanaa to Doha, the company told the BBC.

There it was transferred onto another Qatar Airways plane to Dubai, where it was seized by police.

The bomb used PETN explosive, which is difficult to detect using normal airport security screening.

A second device was found at East Midlands Airport in the UK. Both bombs were hidden inside printer toner cartridges.

Until now it had been thought that both devices had been transported using cargo planes.

The firms UPS and FedEx had been used to post the devices, which were addressed to synagogues in the US.

The British authorities says the bomb seized in the UK was believed to have been designed to go off during the flight.

AQAP is known to have been developing advanced and inventive bomb-making techniques.

It came close to killing the Saudi interior minister with one device and to bringing down an airliner on Christmas Day with another.

The exact way in which these devices were to be detonated is not clear. This is another sign of growing creativeness allied to ongoing ambition.

Attacking cargo planes has also long been anticipated as a potential tactic. Militant groups regularly look for any weak spots in security and aviation remains a prime target.

  Qatar Airways was unable to confirm which type of passenger plane was used to fly the device on from Doha to Dubai, but said it would have been an A320, A321 or Boeing 777. The firm also runs one freight-only flight a week Yemen to Doha.

"Qatar Airways can confirm that a recent courier consignment was carried aboard one of its aircraft from Sana'a to Dubai via Doha International Airport," said a statement on the airline's website.

"The carrier stated that, as per Chicago Convention, it is not the responsibility of the country in which the cargo transits to x-ray or inspect the cargo. This responsibility belongs to the country from where the consignment originates.

"Furthermore, the explosives discovered were of a sophisticated nature whereby they could not be detected by x-ray screening or trained sniffer dogs. The explosives were only discovered after an intelligence tip off."

US media quote officials as saying a Saudi-born bomb-maker, Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri, is their prime suspect.

He is believed to be one of the leading figures in Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the organiser of a suicide attack by his brother last year on the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Mohammed bin Nayef. The prince survived the attack, which also used PETN.

The Yemeni authorities are questioning a student who is alleged to have posted the devices, and whose mobile phone number was reportedly left with the offices.

She has been named by rights groups as Hanan al-Samawi, 22.

The authorities initially described her as a medical student, but later reports said she was studying computer engineering at the University of Sanaa and had no known Islamist links.

"Her acquaintances tell me that she is a quiet student and there was no knowledge of her having involvement in any religious or political groups," her lawyer, Abdel Rahman Burman, told Reuters news agency.

"I'm concerned the girl is a victim because it doesn't make sense that the person who would do this kind of operation would leave a picture of their ID and their phone number."

TBWG sawadi

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #154 on: December 28, 2010, 08:34:48 PM »
Hi Bums

Farang Explosion!

What has the west got going for it at the moment ~~~ answer not a lot, apart from the weather which at the moment seems to be breaking records and reducing entire countries to a standstill,  the economic outlook is grim for the next 10-20 years as countries try to balance the books without upsetting voters,  in itself an impossible task.

Now why am I prattling on about all this doom and gloom, well it is about to affect me!

My farang novelty status is being eroded!

Looking at it from another way if you are retired in the UK on a small private or basic state pension you are lucky if you can afford to exist in a one bed flat huddled around a one bar electric fire whilst you decide whether to eat or pay the council tax.

On the other hand get yourself out to Thailand, you can thaw out, rent a reasonable small place have a beer or 2 each day wackobar and eat well, cheaply... not much of a decision really providing a darling does not latch onto the presumed "wealthy " farang and relieve him of what little he has. Which in all honesty is quite likely once he is exposed for the first time to the new novelty of the "sweet shop"

Now with the aid of a credit card and the internet this is in everyones grasp.

In Satuk I see a couple of new farangs every day, most you see once or twice then never again but it is still diluting my novelty value, kids no longer stop and gawk spouting farang, farang, and shop keepers now give you that oh another one look rather than wow a foreigner attention.

Now me being an insignificant toerag I quite like the minor celebrity status, but I s'pose I will have to get used to being a nobody again ..... it was nice while it lasted!

I have also noted that a lot of the newcomers are a lot younger, the internet again and the darlings are spoilt for choice, however the youngsters are potless so there is still a chance for old codgers like me! oldmanwithstick

What do you think?

TBWG sawadi

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #155 on: December 28, 2010, 09:08:56 PM »
I am very happy not to get the farang welcome attitude, it is making them confused and mostly they are too excited to understand what you are trying to tell them! even in Thai language. wow farang farang farang. enough! give me service please do it fast no sawadi is necessary. stop1
sometimes they just are staring at you in a funny way so in this kind of situation I just move on to another place! enough is enough we are farangs no aliens.  :o

Dave the Dude

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #156 on: December 29, 2010, 07:12:46 AM »
David TWBG
Re-commence wearing your Bay City Rollers scarf and trousers, that should do the job!

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #157 on: December 29, 2010, 07:42:48 AM »
Satuk sounds like Buriram town was when I first arrived in 1998.

In the town centre you could go for days without seeing a Farang. Got a glimpse of the occasional newbie holding hands with his new found love while being followed into the motorbike,tv and gold shop by about 100 "aunts and uncles". Usually only saw them once. Not sure why. loco moneysmile

There were no bars. No farang food. Not even dodgy bacon in 7/11.At least that's changed for the better. whistle

I guess TBWG is right about the internet making things happen. 12 years ago there was only one internet place in Buriram and that was on 56k modems.

Even makes me start to feel old.

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #158 on: December 29, 2010, 07:45:09 PM »
David TWBG
Re-commence wearing your Bay City Rollers scarf and trousers, that should do the job!

Hi DDt

An admirable suggestion and it had also crossed my mind ~~ BUT ~~ I have put on a few kilos since the 70's.

However all is not lost, perhaps I could borrow your BCR outfit? party2

 thumbup thumbup thumbup
TBWG  sawadi

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #159 on: December 30, 2010, 10:27:07 PM »

Hi Bums

Breaking Wind thumbup

Well after gorging myself on one of Paddys excellent Christmas dinners I decided that a bit of excercise was needed to work off some of my excess flab.

So a quick call to Funsmile to check out the Boxing day breakfast situation at Mueanfun Resort confirmed that she could put on a spread ~~~ how is this going to reduce the kilos I had put on, well I would cycle there!

I suggested this to fellow Satuk resident Markus who being a keen rider was all for it as it would only be a 40 km round trip so no problemo!

So 7.30 next morning we set off on what must have been one of the most windy days of the year and into a brisk headwind, at least the return would be easy. Making good progress we turned off the main drag onto winding back roads which had been recently resurfaced.

When we were cycling directly into the wind the going got tough so Markus in his best Swiss English suggested I get close to him so he could break wind for me!!!!

Having just had a dose of Paddys best brussel sprouts I was quite capable of breaking wind on my own thank you very much !!!!

But being in his slipstream did in fact make the going a hell of a lot easier, that was until I got a bit too close, clipped his rear wheel and went into a sort of speed wobble with my legs flying in all sorts of directions, I just about got it back under control before running out of road and disappearing down a 2 metre embankment.

Well after straightening the handlebars and checking my emergency can of Archa was still secure there was nothing worse than a few grazes and bruises on my shins   ................   so on to Mueanfuns.

Where we were greeted by a great smell of coffee and a superb spread which included some rather nice liqueur  party5 as well as a great breakfast.

Having gorged myself yet again we then set off back to Satuk and covered the return 20 kms in 40 minutes with the benefit of a strong tailwind. Bearing in mind I normally only ride around town about 3-4 kms a day I was exceeding pleased with my effort.

TBWG sawadi

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #160 on: December 31, 2010, 12:35:09 PM »
MueanFun resort, Chumphonburi is a great friendly place to be, lately she has upgraded the food dishes. AROY.  party13

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #161 on: January 15, 2011, 10:02:17 PM »
Pagodas & Soldiers

Well 90 days is nearly up so a trip to Myanmar (That's Burma to you and me) is on the cards to renew my visa courtesy of Air Asia cheap Charlie deals! (This later comes back to bite me in the arse!!!) But it beats going to Chock Chai any day.

After an Early departure from Suvarnabumi I am not exactly on the ball when I get to Yangon/Rangoon and have difficulty getting to grips with the taxi it is RHD as per Thailand and UK but something is not quite kosher? In a flash of inspiration I get it ..... we are driving on the wrong side of the road!

Apparently some astrologer monk (who would be a non driver) advised the Junta that it would be a good idea to drive on the other side of the road! So be it.

Now from a practical point of view the only benefit is the driver gets out onto the pavement, that's the sidewalk for our colonial cousins! 99% of the vehicles in Burma are RHD so pedestrians, bus passengers etc get out into the traffic flow, great huh, also all the cars are second hand imports from Japan, so the supply is always going to be RHD. Unless of course you are one of the few who can afford to import LHD from the west. Saw a Hummer plus a few Jags whilst I was there.

The few are basically the generals who are also paranoid about their own personal safety, so much so they have banned motorcycles from Rangoon for fear of assassination attempts. This came about after a late night cavalcade of big nobs was buzzed by a lot of unruly youths on motorcycles.

These offenders where quickly tracked down and to the man where offspring of the generals. So the residents of an entire city are now deprived of their motorbikes and have to cram onto the ageing already overcrowded buses.

So can superstitious paranoid soldiers who rely on monks for illogical decisions really be the way forward in the 21st century ~~~~ That's not all there was a general who thought it was agood idea to ........................

To be continued!

TBWG sawadi

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #162 on: January 16, 2011, 08:55:45 PM »
Hi Bums ~~ more riveting exploits! :unsure:

Mingalaba  = Sawadee Krup  ( That's my entire Burmese vocab!)

My taxi driver who is clearly no fan of the generals advises me that he is only allowed 2 gallons of petrol per day for his ageing Toyota, but as with anything that it rationed it creates a black market and supplies are plentiful at a price. But with the going rate about $5 per gallon it is clearly expensive to start with on a Burmese budget.

Petrol stations are scarse and I saw queues getting on for 1/2 kilometer long just to get the daily ration.

One thing that is plentiful in Burma is the Pagodas and I have now seen enough to last me 3 reincarnations.

My taxi driver advises me that it is common knowledge that the only thing more numerous than pagodas in Burma is soldiers!

Which brings me back to those in power ~~~ another brain-box of a general had a brilliant idea, well at least he thought so, 9 is a lucky number so he decided that all numbers would be denominated in 9's rather than 10's and this would be bound to bring enormous riches to all concerned.

However this turned out to be one good idea to far and caused all sorts of problems so was soon conveniently forgotten.

Talking of good luck I am now in line for a large dose myself after donating 1,000 kyatts (don't get to excited that's only 50 baht) to a Python! The beneficiary I am told is in fact the reincarnation of a Buddhist nun.

On the day she passed away the python arrived at the Pagoda and took up residence on her bed that was a few years ago and it is still there. It now has its own swimming pool in the room where it whiles away the day before returning to the bed for it's nightly zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's


My impression of the place is that everything appeared normal, people are all smiles and appear to have just as much freedom as Thai's. But clearly there is an undercurrent just below the surface and with good reason should those intellectually challenged generals ever get their hands on a nuclear device.


Clearly stupidity is not limited to nationalities as I managed to turn up at the airport 10 minutes after the plane had taken off ~~~ don't ask!

Being Air Asia I would have to buy another ticket for the evening flight as a low cost carrier they will not just shove you on the next available flight, tough luck your fault. bigcry (This is worth bearing in mind if you are thinking of booking a flight for on carriage, should your previous flight be delayed)

Anyway Thai have a flight leaving in an hour so I still might make my Nok Air flight to Buriram.
A one-way ticket is $188, well I have blown most of my dosh on my stay so I'll pay with credit card eh sorry no credit/debit card facilities due to sanctions! Well an ATM, eh sorry no ATM's in Burma same problem.

A quick count up of my dollars plus Baht shows that I am the owner of the princely sum of $189, phew that was close, then comes the punch line! plus $10 departure tax, PANIC! 

I was eventually rescued by an elderly chinese lady who donated $10 and to whom I will be eternally grateful!

So by the time I eventually clear immigration at Suvarnabhumi it is midday under normal circumstances an hour to transfer to the next flight OK, yes but Nok Air go from Don Mueng.

Not a hope in hell of getting that (hope Nok Air have a refunds policy)   After my last exploits at Mo Chit I decide sod the expense get a taxi!

TBWG sawadi

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #163 on: January 17, 2011, 09:21:48 PM »
Hi Bums (appropriate huh)

Thinking of buying some seating for the terrace ~~~ Wot do you think? Classy huh! nono

TBWG sawadi

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #164 on: January 17, 2011, 11:28:42 PM »
Hi Bums (appropriate huh)

Thinking of buying some seating for the terrace ~~~ Wot do you think? Classy huh! nono

TBWG sawadi
very nice I like. where did you see it? price?


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