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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #135 on: October 08, 2010, 12:16:01 AM »


Fish & Chips ~~ done that!  That was after the cream doughnuts and before the somtam! hungry1

TBWG sawadi

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Offline maraudingscot

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #136 on: October 11, 2010, 06:57:58 PM »
Ah the good old fish supper, butI am dismayed that there is no salt and sauce on them :o

this is a picture of a sausage supper! :D well I hope it looks like a sausage!!!! winkboy

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« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 06:59:33 PM by maraudingscot »

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #137 on: October 11, 2010, 07:04:40 PM »
Ah the good old fish supper, but I am dismayed that there is no salt and sauce on them :o

this is a picture of a sausage supper! :D well I hope it looks like a sausage!!!! winkboy

If you will post larger picture we will be able to answer on this question...... fighting1 happy1

Offline TBWG

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #138 on: October 11, 2010, 07:47:17 PM »
Hi Bums

Well the wedding went well and the weather was great but I must admit to still feeling a bit tender! party12

See attached photo of the Thai contingent in their best gear ~~~ what is amazing is that it still fit's at they have not stopped eating for the last 6 days! On the other hand my wallet is a lot slimmer! :o

So now I can concentrate on getting back to  Satuk! spot1

TBWG sawadi

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Offline maraudingscot

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #139 on: October 11, 2010, 08:22:47 PM »
lol cool, they look superb in their "best gear" glad you had a nice time. You'll be looking forward to getting back to the peace and quiet of Satuk monkeydancing

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #140 on: October 17, 2010, 12:28:24 AM »
Hi Bums grin

Well the wedding is over, fortunately none of the inmates who were on day release for the big event absconded, mainly due to excess beer rendering them incapable of thinking let alone walking! party12

Anyway, how to keep the Thai contingent occupied? A trip to the big smoke and see a show should fill a day, of course interrupted only for eating every 20 minutes or so.

Well we start off at Westminster Bridge to see the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. Immediately I get into a row with a couple of Romanian Gypsies who seem to think that I want a tatty little flower for which in return they expect a couple of quid! 

I tell them where they can put their flowers, which then results in me being cursed in god knows how many languages. I have great difficulty in explaining to the Boss Lady what is going on and get into trouble for upsetting the nice foreigners!

The nice foreigners are obviously on nice little earners judging by their Ugg boots and up market watches.

Whilst the family are taking shots of each other along with Big Ben, I watch the gypsies relieve some Japanese couple of a 20 quid note in under one minute! Nice work if you can get it bearing in mind they are probably getting  social security and job seekers allowance to boot!

So we now proceed on the usual tourist route ~~~  Buck House, Downing Street, Horse Guards parade, St James Park, Trafalgar Square etc. etc. until we arrive at Covent Garden, where I have a bit of a problem explaining why it is quite normal for a man naked apart from his Y fronts to be standing on a 6ft high platform in 6c temperatures juggling working Chain saws! character1

To be continued...................................

TBWG sawadi

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Offline maraudingscot

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #141 on: October 17, 2010, 01:22:41 AM »

Not sure if the person on the platform below is worried about him dropping achainsaw or that thing that is coming out of his pants! excercise1

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #142 on: October 17, 2010, 11:02:53 PM »

The guy cowering is some Japanese pop superstar who just happened to be filming with a Japanese TV crew in the area. He was persuaded to do some juggling in front of Hannibal the chainsaw juggler by the film crew. But it looks as though he had second thoughts and would rather not have his head parted from his body due to some slip up!

Anyway ~~~ day trip continued

After another pub lunch of fish & chips we decide to make our way to the Lyceum Theater for the matinée of The Lion King. Near the Theater we see squillions of school kids queuing up for yes, The Lion King, the theater staff have obviously got this down to a fine art keeping the kids at a safe distance from the action.

Not to worry a school trip will be in the cheap seats, a long way from our royal circle seats. So we confidently take our seats but there are surprisingly few punters about! Still I had booked the seats a while ago so we are slap bang in the middle for a good all round view.

Now the reason for the sparse number of theatergoers becomes apparent as we are inundated by hundreds of excitable schoolkids, I can still see the look of horror on all the adult faces! The chap sitting next me gave a resigned sigh and said, s'pose it's only to be expected at a matinée performance during half term!

Please Miss..... I want a wee, Miss, Jordan's nicked my sweets, Miss, Jason's left his phone on the coach! Miss, Oscars wedged some popcorn up his nose! How these poor teachers maintain their sanity is a marvel!

Fearing the worst I slump down in my seat to await the start. The Thai contingent having all gone to sleep as soon as they had sat down.

A miracle now occurs, the lights dim the kids all hush and the show holds them spellbound for the next few hours with barely a peep from any of them, except where it was expected and they then responded enthusiastically and in fact added to the enjoyment with their enthusiasm. party10

The only aggravation was the boss lady occasionally interpreting into Thai what was going on!

Well a great show, but now they are all hungry again! So its a nice meal at Navajo Jo in Covent garden before a ride upstairs on a big red bus to Victoria Station and home!

To be continued......................................

TBWG sawadi

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #143 on: October 21, 2010, 01:39:19 AM »
Hi Bums

more exploits...........

Well me and the Boss Lady have just got back from the airport after packing my stepson and niece back to Bangkok courtesy of Qatar Airways.

After getting stiffed for a fiver to park the car for 45 minutes I am getting fed up with being ripped off in the UK ~~ but then a return Qatar Airways ticket from BKK costs 50% more than the other way around so it seems I just can't win wherever I am.

How to keep the visitors occupied ~~ I know
Brighton .... That should keep them occupied for a day, browsing in the  Lanes and a trip up the pier, typically British. So we set off  down the M23 on a grim, grey day but as soon as we pass through the downs the sun comes out and all looks great, the downs create a sort of micro climate along the coast, it might be sunny but as soon as we get out the car a chill breeze fresh off the Atlantic takes ones breath away!

Before we left home they had consumed what I would call a full midday meal but Thais call it breakfast, still at least they aren't hungry! Yet! hungry1

Well we wander around the Lanes and Brighton Pavillion but all they seem interested in is sunglass shops, of which I would of thought there were enough in Bangkok, apparently not as they make a purchase.  cool1

Anyway, we eventually get to the promenade and bearing in mind coming from Issan the sea is not a common sight they are transfixed by a dirty English Channel and the seagulls.  So we make our way up the pier only to spy some English lunatic actually swimming in what must be almost freezing water.

Now I would hate to be the father of a couple of young kids these days as all the rides are priced in tokens and a token costs a pound, with the rides costing 3-5 tokens each you could easily blow a hundred quid in an hour and not have anything to show for it.

Fortunately all the Thai's seem interested in is looking at the spread on the seafood stalls and looking is free, well at least only the cost of a large pot of prawns.  hungry1 Trouble is the seagulls are also interested in the prawns and use us for dive bombing practice.

to be continued.................................

TBWG sawadi

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Dave the Dude

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #144 on: October 21, 2010, 03:52:23 AM »
Are you a Tesco club card VIP member yet and have you now got a designated parking space?

Dave (no1)

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #145 on: October 21, 2010, 07:19:39 PM »
Hi Dave No 1

Not a Tesco VIP clubcard holder but have been giving the riff raff clubcard a bashing whilst the visitors have been staying ~~ should have a nice dollop of points when I get back to UK!  Dave No2

The saga continues.....................

Now the dive bombing seagulls reminds me of a story my old cellmate "Sticky Fingers" the shoplifter had told me.

He had seen an Alcoholic flat on his back on Brighton seafront having vomited all down himself before passing out. This of course had attracted the attention of the seagulls who were feasting on the big lumps, this in turn attracted the attention of the local constabulary who where trying to stop the seagulls from depriving him of his eyeballs whilst trying to remain upwind to avoid the rather unpleasant smell.  :o Nice huh.

Anyhow the prawns had put an edge on the Thai appetites so its off to Bella Pasta for a dose of spag bol and red vino! hungry1 After lunch it is decided that me and Nick my no 2 UK son will adjourn to the pub for a pint whilst the Thai trio continue to annoy the local shopkeepers. Give us a call when you have finished.

Well I have barely got a pint of Magners down my throat when the moby goes! They are ready, but can we go via Crispy Creme Donuts as apparently the first Bangkok franchise had opened just before they departed and customers had to queue for 4 hours to be served. How sad is that? But they want to know if all the fuss was worth it! So half a dozen donuts and 2 minutes later we are done and dusted. Err no.

Does Nick know a skateboard shop in Brighton? unfortunately yes and I spend what seemed about an hour waiting outside while Turbo wheedled the funds out of the Boss Lady for the last word in skateboards. Now why they could not have done all that whilst I sat in the pub is a mystery.   

So now we say goodbye to Nick who lives in Brighton, Kemptown area,  also known as "Vaseline Valley" and a favorite haunt of The Bangkok Ladyboys giggle when over for the gay pride parade.

Just in case you wondered he goes off to meet his girlfriend, he's not a fudgepacker!

Anyway after taking out a second mortgage to pay for the car parking we head home, where the Thai Trio consume half a dozen donuts and ten quids worth of finest Scottish salmon as an appetiser for the evening meal! hungry1

So now it's on with the packing as Moi and the Boss Lady prepare for our winter retreat next week to Satuk and some sun and heat.... can you please arrange!


TBWG sawadi

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #146 on: October 21, 2010, 07:34:40 PM »
Great report! enjoyed reading. :)

Offline TBWG

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #147 on: October 29, 2010, 09:17:24 PM »
Thanks Foxy fastclapping

Hi Bums

Well back in Thailand now all went according to plan with taxi driver ready and waiting.

However after getting off the plane and through immigration in record time only to wait about 20 minutes for baggage to show, I suppose 20 minutes for a planeload of anything from 1,500 - 2,000+  items is pretty good going and I am always so relieved when I spot our luggage that the wait is instantly forgotten.

So it's all loaded up on the trolley and off we go to the nothing to declare immigration channel. However it looks as though they are giving something away free judging by the hundreds of peeps hanging around the exit. stop1 Not another half hour queue, but what's this we are being called to the front by a smart looking young immigration lady who promptly waves us through no problemo!

From what I can see it looks as though we must have followed an Arab flight in and they are checking all the Muslim types ( beards and yasmaks that sort of thing ). Putting all their baggage through additional x ray machines and searches.

Now if that was the UK you would have gawd knows how many do gooders up in arms about racial profiling and harassment and if they complained they would probably be awarded a few grand of taxpayers money to shut them up!

But after reading on the forum about all the recent drugs shipment emanating from the Middle
East and being confiscated then there is no smoke without fire! So racial profiling certainly works.

It was only later whilst the taxi was having its underside washed for the third time as we negotiated the Phi Mai floods that the irony struck me.

I deliberately fly Emirates because no brain washed suicide bomber is going to target an Islamic airline, they also have one of the youngest fleets flying the latest equipment, not to mention the best price! So it seems to me that I am currently getting the best of both world's.

It really is a no brainer why should I fly British Airways, American airlines or US Air even Air France ( who it would appear are the latest to get up Osama's nose), apart from the fact that the names are a terrorist magnet these airlines are either insolvent or financially insecure with ageing fleets.

So I will continue to fly Emirates secure in the knowledge that I won't be blown up but maybe spaced out if there is any freebies on the recreational substances front! cool2

TBWG sawadi

Offline garytaffy

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #148 on: October 30, 2010, 05:28:16 AM »
Looks like i share the same logical approach to flying................safe, happy and quids in!!!!!! spot1

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Re: A Naive Expat in Thailand
« Reply #149 on: October 30, 2010, 11:01:40 AM »
Looks like i share the same logical approach to flying................safe, happy and quids in!!!!!! spot1

I thought most UK travelers opt for "Etihad Airways" as the cheapest option?..  confused1


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