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Offline llso

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Channot theft
« on: April 18, 2023, 12:57:26 AM »
My wife had asked me about people stealing Channots. I just spoke to a friend of mine and it happened to him. Apparently someone claims that the Channot was stolen and report it to the police. After 30 days they can get a new channot in their name. Has anyone ever heard of anything like this happening? I'm worried because my wife has become estranged from her family and they are living in our house.

Offline dundeemk6

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Re: Channot theft
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2023, 08:13:05 AM »
that is not possible as the channut is registered in one's name

Offline Smithy

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Re: Channot theft
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2023, 12:18:14 PM »
My wife had asked me about people stealing Channots. I just spoke to a friend of mine and it happened to him. Apparently someone claims that the Channot was stolen and report it to the police. After 30 days they can get a new channot in their name. Has anyone ever heard of anything like this happening? I'm worried because my wife has become estranged from her family and they are living in our house.

If your wife's name is on the Channot then just get her to ask them to leave if you dont want them there BUT I feel there is more to this story/situation than you are telling us .

When I got married the MiL gave us the land to build our house on .After about 10 years  ( about 9 years ago ) we fell out with the in laws and the Wife's Mum said she wanted the land back .
We went to see a solicitor and he said "as the land was gifted to us the MiL could ask for it back "  :o
BUT as we had built a brick house on the land , with concrete foundations and it could not be removed ( like a wooden house could be ), if she wanted the land back she would have buy the house from us .
As there was no way she could afford to do that we were saved any legal battles .

Offline Gerry

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Re: Channot theft
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2023, 01:09:35 PM »
As I understand it, the Chanote is just her copy of the land registry. There is a ledger copy and a digital copy at the land registry office.

Any transfer must be done with the named owner in attendance.

Are you sure she hasn't sold it or pawned it and is now trying to cover her tracks?

Offline llso

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Re: Channot theft
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2023, 11:10:29 PM »
I would like to thank everyone for their prompt reply. This situation is not involving my wife's house, but happened to a friend of ours. He is a long time resident and has a real estate business. He is not in Buriram ,but the Hua Hin area. After hearing this story of the channot being stolen I became concerned as my wife has been estranged from her family for almost a year now. After more than twenty years of incessant demands for money, devising all sorts of schemes and scams to extract money from us.

I response to Smithy's post. When we were still living in Thailand My wife's sisters husband went o work in Taiwan for one of those companies that recruit people from these "villages" I had just read an article about thee sorts of scams. I may have posted this story on here years ago.
The way these companies make money is buy loaning the person the money for the visa, air fare, lodging ,etc with interest. I suspect that many times they barely make as much as they would have in Thailand. My wifes family being smarter than that went and borrowed the money from The Bangkok Bank against the house and land. The land was in her mothers name , and Tabien Baan was in my wifes name. The family contacted my wife and she left immediately with our infant daughter and her friend to go to Buriram to sign off the house on this loan. She also neglected tell me because they assure her everything was going to be OK. About halfway through his one year employment contract they sent him home back to Thailand. I suspect because they realized that they weren't making the money on the fees from him.

So he returns and came home with just enough money to buy a motorbike. He then rode around the village waving at everyone showing off his new motorbike. People were impressed with Dip (not his real name) . Instead of taking that money and paying off the loan from Bangkok Bank he chose to buy a motorbike . Imagine the grievous loss of face if he had gone to work in Taiwan and came back with nothing.

Instead they only paid the interest on the loan and after one year the bank called in the loan. Just so happens that the Mafia employment agency was the co signer of the loan .paid it off and they took the house. You with me so far? While is was there visiting one time I found an official looking letter from Bangkok Bank on my bookshelf. Of course it was in Thai so I took and went I got back to Hua Hin showed to a Thai friend of mine. She explained to me that it said they were only paying interest and if the loan wasn't paid in full we would lose the house. I confronted my wife about it and she said she didn't know  any of this, the fact that they didn't pay the loan. My wife said this was not America they cant just take your house. She got worried and went down to Bangkok Bank and the house was already gone and was now owned by the Mafia employment agency in Bangkok. She called them and they laughed her off as some country bumpkin.

I got my director of our company in Bangkok to call them and explain that the hose was built by a farang and that what they were doing was illegal and we would report them to the thai Labor Dept. They agreed to return the deed to us for what they paid on the loan. They demanded all of the documents . my marriage certficate, Visa, company reg ,Moms and wifes ID card Tabien Baan the works. My director who is a young educated Thai women accompanied me. We got a txi to some obscure neighborhood in Bangkok and we could not find the place, No signage or address . We called them and the nice Chinese lady sent one of the henchman to the curb and he flagged us down. He resembled Top Job from James Bond, suit and all. The door to the place was a heavy metal steel door that you couldnt have blown open with a tank.  Right inside the door was a small sofa and coffee table. We were told to have a seat across the empty room next to a staircase was a desk where the Chinese lady in a dress and heels sat . She asked for all of the paperwork. We gave it to top job and he handed it to her. she reviewed everything and then asked us for the money, I asked to see the deed. My girl inspected it . The Chinese Lady counted the money twice and then walked over and handed us the deed , Once I got it in my hand I asked her why they would loan 100000 Baht on a small piece of land in a village? She replied because it had a big house. We left and when we got there I asked the Taxi driver to wait but as soon as we got out he drove off. We had to walk quite a ways to an major street to flag a taxi to take us back to my Hotel.

The next day my wife and I caught the Sprinter to Buriram and I had the Pow Wow with the family and said that the next morning Grandma was going to go to the land office and sign the chanoot to my wife. She brought up some BS that what about the sisters inheritance. I told the mean sister to get the money from her sister who got the motorbike. That ended that discussion.

Offline Gerry

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Re: Channot theft
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2023, 04:46:38 PM »
I'm sorry to say but much of your post does not make sense.

Your family took a loan on the land because they were smart.

Then you say the agency were co signatories on the loan. Why? The land is the collateral. No need for co signatories.

The agency Then give back the house because you say they did something illegal.

Surely if they are co signatories on the loan it wasn't illegal.

The land office would not have taken payment from one without the other knowing either, I would doubt.

Many things here not adding up.

Offline llso

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Re: Channot theft
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2023, 04:29:05 AM »
Let me address your questions:

1.) Your family took a loan on the land because they were smart.

They thought they were being smart by borrowing the Fees for Visa, Air Ticket from the Bangkok Bank with the property as collateral, rather than through the employment agency with their high interest rates.

2.)Then you say the agency were co signatories on the loan. Why? The land is the collateral. No need for co signatories.

 Since the sister and her husband had no income, other than this employment to pay back the loan. The agency guaranteed the loan. You typically need income to get a loan even with collateral.

3.) The agency Then give back the house because you say they did something illegal.

What the agency did illegal was related to the employment contract. We threatened to report them to the labor department. It had nothing to do with the loan.

4.) The land office would not have taken payment from one without the other knowing either, I would doubt.

The land office was never involved. They were holding the deed with a lien or some encumbrance on it. When we paid them they returned the deed to us.


Offline Gerry

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Re: Channot theft
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2023, 04:56:10 AM »
Let me address your questions:

1.) Your family took a loan on the land because they were smart.

They thought they were being smart by borrowing the Fees for Visa, Air Ticket from the Bangkok Bank with the property as collateral, rather than through the employment agency with their high interest rates.

2.)Then you say the agency were co signatories on the loan. Why? The land is the collateral. No need for co signatories.

 Since the sister and her husband had no income, other than this employment to pay back the loan. The agency guaranteed the loan. You typically need income to get a loan even with collateral.

3.) The agency Then give back the house because you say they did something illegal.

What the agency did illegal was related to the employment contract. We threatened to report them to the labor department. It had nothing to do with the loan.

4.) The land office would not have taken payment from one without the other knowing either, I would doubt.

The land office was never involved. They were holding the deed with a lien or some encumbrance on it. When we paid them they returned the deed to us.


Having re read my post I believe I was a little unclear. When I said the Land Office would not accept payment from one without the other knowing, I was referring to your comment " the mafia now owned the house".

The bank lent the money. They would have the deeds. They would then release the deeds when payment was made. The mafia would then need to change the name on the deeds. They would need both new and old owner present.

You said the land office held the deeds,and then returned them. The land Office do not hold deeds.


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