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Offline Smithy

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Medical Malpractice in Thailand
« on: March 29, 2022, 12:37:19 PM »
About a year ago my wife had appendicitis and spent about 10 days in a local hospital where they treated her with several courses of intravenous antibiotics  .The Doctor could speak English and i asked her why she didn't just arrange for my wife to have her appendix removed as they was a good change it could flair up again at a later date . I was told I was not a Doctor(  like her ) and she knew best .

Then about 2 days ago my Wife woke up in pain,so I took her back to the local hospital .We saw the same Doctor that knew my Wife's history .The Doctor gave her a quick ultrasound scan and said her Appendix were fine and she must have eaten something no good and was given some Antacil and Omeprazale 20mg and sent her/us home .

After a few hours of being home she was in so much pain I took her about 65k to a Private Hospital in Surin ( for rapid treatment ) . They rushed her in, took blood test's and arranged a MRI scan .We arrived at 13:00 and by 7pm we still didn't know what the problem was !! ( it could have been gallstones or kidney stones  as we were told her appendix was ok ) My wife was in so much pain they agreed to give her some strong  intravenous painkillers ( morphin I guess ? ) At 10pm they said she needed her Appendix removed and must go to the  Surin Government hospital. They gave me a bill of 13440 Bht and took her a short distance by ambulance to Surn Hospital .We were then told she would have to wait until 16:00 the next day before they could operate .I felt so helpless seeing her in so much pain and there was nothing I could do .

So yesterday at 16:00 they took her into the Operating theatre .After 3 hours they took her back to the ward . We were told this morning that in fact her appendix has ruptured and now the healing process will take a whole lot longer and there could be other complications down the line . 

What has annoyed me most is that all this could have been sorted the first time when I asked the first doctor to remove her Appendix , But what do I know ? I'm not a Doctor !!!!
Hopefully my Wife won't get too many complications and her recovery will be swift .

As for Medical Malpractice ?

Well this is Thailand !!!  . I know what I would be doing in the UK ( but doubt this would happen ) but out here the chances of getting any compensation and the legal cost involved , it's just not worth it . But TBH it's not about the money ,it's about the Doctors being held responsible for their actions and saying sorry to my Wife for their bad decisions . 
I spoke to the Doctor in the Surin Government hospital and he said unfortunately that's the way it is and next time I think there is something serious that needs checked , then come directly to Surin Hospital and give the smaller local hospitals a miss. They are fine for small cuts and bruises and thats about it !! 

BTW, I'm not saying all small local hospitals are no good . My wife had TB before and the treatment and care  she received was first class locally . But I have since found out that the Doctor that has dealt with with Wife appendicitis problems does seem to have a bit of a reputation for mis-treatment and incompetence but is still allowed to treat people

Also ,  if anyone reads Doc Martyns posts on many of the Expat Facebook pages  will have read of some of the malpractice and mis-treatments he deals with on a regular basis.Remember your life and your loved ones are in the Hospitals hands , so get the best treatment you can find and afford 

Offline Prakhonchai Nick

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Re: Medical Malpractice in Thailand
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2022, 03:20:17 PM »
Reminds me of the time a while ago (possibly 10 years ago) when I had aches and pains and loss of appetite. Having researched my symptoms online I was convinced I had dengue fever.
I decided to go to the local Prakhonchai hospital, as they were very familiar with dengue as most of the village kids caught it annually.
I had a blood test, then the doctor declared  not dengue but gonnorhea! He then got angry with me when I told him there was no possibility of gonorrhea and showed me the door.
4 hours later I was in Buriram Private hospital. having being diagnosed with hemmoragic dengue fever, and was kept in for 4 days

Another time some 5 years ago I was hospitalised with kidney stones (very painful for the record)  After 3 days I was told they needed removal, (which a better hospital said was not needed) BUT a scan carried out by the private hospital showed fluid on the lungs, and not one of the doctors mentioned it!  Fortunately I saw it myself on the scan report, the result being I ended up in a heart hospital having 2 stents inserted in a heart artery.

I have little faith in provincial doctors and hospitals!

Offline Nobby

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Re: Medical Malpractice in Thailand
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2022, 05:40:27 PM »

I have little faith in provincial doctors and hospitals!

Nor me, Nick. It makes you wonder if these (so called) doctors/surgeons pay for their promotions, in the same way as police/military/educators do here????

Offline Gerry

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Re: Medical Malpractice in Thailand
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2022, 07:15:33 PM »

I have little faith in provincial doctors and hospitals!

Nor me, Nick. It makes you wonder if these (so called) doctors/surgeons pay for their promotions, in the same way as police/military/educators do here?????

Surely Surin Government Hospitsl, where Smithy seems happy with the service, is a provincial hospital?

Whenever I or members of my family have been in need of hospital treatment we have always gone straight to Buriram Government "Provincial" Hospital. First class staff all round. Might need to queue a bit every now and the but never mind.

My wife was there just after they'd opened the new building. She was visiting our nice.. The new building, she said, is very nice. All air-conditioned wards.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2022, 08:37:25 PM by Mod »

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Re: Medical Malpractice in Thailand
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2022, 08:41:27 PM »
We lucky in Buriram. Government hospital good. I Have some old friends from Uni at there.

I know people not so happy about Ekkachon in Buriram. I know facility at Government hospital better. Doctor are there 24 hours too. Not in private hospital. Don't have surgery for operate too at private hospital.

Offline Smithy

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Re: Medical Malpractice in Thailand
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2022, 10:00:21 PM »

Surely Surin Government Hospitsl, where Smithy seems happy with the service, is a provincial hospital?

Normally the Province's Main Government Hospitals are very good. When I say small provincial hospitals I mean the smaller one's scattered around the province , each Amphoe will have one. I think Surin has about 14 smaller provincial Amphoe hospitals and Buriram has about 21..Then not forgetting that each Tambon normally has its own Health Center. There are many private clinics scattered around each Amphoe which seem popular with the Thais  .
For my experience go to the Province's Main Government Hospital if you need good cheap treatment and are prepared to wait . I have used one of Surin's private hospitals when I've needed non-emergency  procedures  like mole removal and wanted it done quickly and at a time that suits me  .The only reason I took my wife to a private hospital after the first visit to the local Amphoe hospital was because she was in so much pain I thought they would deal with her quickly .

Offline Gerry

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Re: Medical Malpractice in Thailand
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2022, 12:47:45 PM »

Surely Surin Government Hospitsl, where Smithy seems happy with the service, is a provincial hospital?

Normally the Province's Main Government Hospitals are very good. When I say small provincial hospitals I mean the smaller one's scattered around the province , each Amphoe will have one. I think Surin has about 14 smaller provincial Amphoe hospitals and Buriram has about 21..Then not forgetting that each Tambon normally has its own Health Center. There are many private clinics scattered around each Amphoe which seem popular with the Thais  .
For my experience go to the Province's Main Government Hospital if you need good cheap treatment and are prepared to wait . I have used one of Surin's private hospitals when I've needed non-emergency  procedures  like mole removal and wanted it done quickly and at a time that suits me  .The only reason I took my wife to a private hospital after the first visit to the local Amphoe hospital was because she was in so much pain I thought they would deal with her quickly .

I see. So they should be referred to as "District" hospitals. The smaller health centres would, no doubt, be referred to as "Sub district" health centre's or clinics.

I have little faith in provincial doctors and hospitals!

Nor me, Nick. It makes you wonder if these (so called) doctors/surgeons pay for their promotions, in the same way as police/military/educators do here????

I remember seeing photos of someone in a provincial hospital, recognised the standard issue pajamas, after they had got pi$$Ed and tried to ride a motorbike. Seemed to be getting good service. Remember on chap writing how pleased everyone was with the medical treatment that was given.

Offline Nobby

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Re: Medical Malpractice in Thailand
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2022, 01:09:53 PM »

I remember seeing photos of someone in a provincial hospital, recognised the standard issue pajamas, after they had got pi$$Ed and tried to ride a motorbike. Seemed to be getting good service. Remember on chap writing how pleased everyone was with the medical treatment that was given.

I am glad it turned out good for that person.

The only hospitals that I have had first-hand experience with, is the Surin private hospital and the main (Huge) Government hospital in Ubon, paid for by the Social Security system through my employees. Both places were very good.

I have unfortunately seen first-hand, very bad service/care at a small provincial hospital, in which one of the nurses told me 'this place is only good for farmers with broken bones' so I thoroughly agree with Smithy's comments/suggestions on here.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2022, 01:15:21 PM by Mod »

Offline Smithy

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Re: Medical Malpractice in Thailand
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2022, 01:27:34 PM »

I remember seeing photos of someone in a provincial hospital, recognised the standard issue pajamas, after they had got pi$$Ed and tried to ride a motorbike. Seemed to be getting good service. Remember on chap writing how pleased everyone was with the medical treatment that was given.

I am glad it turned out good for that person.

I believe he still suffers from longterm and shortterm memory loss  , or it could be just the normal BS he posts   ::)   :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Offline Smithy

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Re: Medical Malpractice in Thailand
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2022, 01:37:06 PM »

I see. So they should be referred to as "District" hospitals. The smaller health centres would, no doubt, be referred to as "Sub district" health centre's or clinics.

Yes correct , Amphoe ( District ) Hospital , and yes Tambon  ( Sub district)  health centre's or clinics.

My wife is now home  ( they said it's safer being at home as in the hospital there is more chances of her picking up an infection ) and luckily the local Tambon Health Centre is only just outside our Village ,so no log trips to the Amphoe Hospital for daily bandage changes ....and for her all free  :)

Offline Gerry

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Re: Medical Malpractice in Thailand
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2022, 04:31:08 PM »

I remember seeing photos of someone in a provincial hospital, recognised the standard issue pajamas, after they had got pi$$Ed and tried to ride a motorbike. Seemed to be getting good service. Remember on chap writing how pleased everyone was with the medical treatment that was given.

I am glad it turned out good for that person.

The only hospitals that I have had first-hand experience with, is the Surin private hospital and the main (Huge) Government hospital in Ubon, paid for by the Social Security system through my employees. Both places were very good.

I have unfortunately seen first-hand, very bad service/care at a small provincial hospital, in which one of the nurses told me 'this place is only good for farmers with broken bones' so I thoroughly agree with Smithy's comments/suggestions on here.

Your post is confusing.

Firstly you refer to yourself in the third person.

Secondly, you are confusing provincial hospitals with local district and sub district hospitals. The alleged comment from a nurse about "farmers with broken legs" gives it a way. The place about which you speak was not a provincial hospital.

I really don't see the problem with these local medical centres being less equipped than the larger provincial hospitals. Whether by way of equipment or expertise. Just like going to see your local GP in UK. Fore general day to day ailments he is fine. More serious issues would be referred to the main hospital or a specialist. Just like it is here.

Offline Nobby

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Re: Medical Malpractice in Thailand
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2022, 05:20:10 PM »

I remember seeing photos of someone in a provincial hospital, recognised the standard issue pajamas, after they had got pi$$Ed and tried to ride a motorbike. Seemed to be getting good service. Remember on chap writing how pleased everyone was with the medical treatment that was given.

I am glad it turned out good for that person.

The only hospitals that I have had first-hand experience with, is the Surin private hospital and the main (Huge) Government hospital in Ubon, paid for by the Social Security system through my employees. Both places were very good.

I have unfortunately seen first-hand, very bad service/care at a small provincial hospital, in which one of the nurses told me 'this place is only good for farmers with broken bones' so I thoroughly agree with Smithy's comments/suggestions on here.

Your post is confusing.

Firstly you refer to yourself in the third person.

Secondly, you are confusing provincial hospitals with local district and sub district hospitals. The alleged comment from a nurse about "farmers with broken legs" gives it a way. The place about which you speak was not a provincial hospital.

I really don't see the problem with these local medical centres being less equipped than the larger provincial hospitals. Whether by way of equipment or expertise. Just like going to see your local GP in UK. Fore general day to day ailments he is fine. More serious issues would be referred to the main hospital or a specialist. Just like it is here.

Maybe your right Gerry. You mention the following
"I remember seeing photos of someone in a provincial hospital, recognised the standard issue pajamas, after they had got pi$$Ed and tried to ride a motorbike. Seemed to be getting good service. Remember on chap writing how pleased everyone was with the medical treatment that was given."

So is this a comment about me on this open forum???????

Secondly, can you remind me where this nurse worked please???
« Last Edit: March 30, 2022, 05:22:33 PM by Nobby »

Offline Smithy

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Re: Medical Malpractice in Thailand
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2022, 06:57:42 PM »

I remember seeing photos of someone in a provincial hospital, recognised the standard issue pajamas, after they had got pi$$Ed and tried to ride a motorbike. Seemed to be getting good service. Remember on chap writing how pleased everyone was with the medical treatment that was given.

Yes I remember seeing that photo posted on one of the internet forum . alcoholic bike037 :biggrin:

« Last Edit: March 30, 2022, 07:02:30 PM by Smithy »

Offline Nobby

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Re: Medical Malpractice in Thailand
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2022, 09:00:13 PM »

I remember seeing photos of someone in a provincial hospital, recognised the standard issue pajamas, after they had got pi$$Ed and tried to ride a motorbike. Seemed to be getting good service. Remember on chap writing how pleased everyone was with the medical treatment that was given.

Yes I remember seeing that photo posted on one of the internet forum . alcoholic bike037 :biggrin:

Thank you for posting that Smithy. It confirms that that is not me.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2022, 09:10:50 PM by Mod »

Offline Smithy

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Re: Medical Malpractice in Thailand
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2022, 08:01:17 AM »

I remember seeing photos of someone in a provincial hospital, recognised the standard issue pajamas, after they had got pi$$Ed and tried to ride a motorbike. Seemed to be getting good service. Remember on chap writing how pleased everyone was with the medical treatment that was given.

Yes I remember seeing that photo posted on one of the internet forum . alcoholic bike037 :biggrin:

Thank you for posting that Smithy. It confirms that that is not me.

As I have said before ,the guy in that photo " suffers from longterm and shortterm memory loss  , or it could be just the normal BS he posts   ::)   :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  " ....glad its not you ;)  :)


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