

Author Topic: Covid-19  (Read 38786 times)

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Offline Smithy

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Re: Covid-19
« Reply #45 on: July 05, 2021, 04:59:29 PM »
Although I'm not a regular Epoch Times reader, to suggest someone is an idiot for reading it is crazy .Many things The Epoch Times posted a year or so ago and called conspiracy theories are now popular beliefs .
Most online media is now either right or left  ( the far right being anything the left doesn't like ) . I would no more get my daily news from the Epoch Times than I would from the UK's Guardian . But I would sooner watch the New GB News than the BBC or Sky  and Fox News than CNN so you can guess my political leaning. Most news sites now are  not reporting news but reporting propaganda that suits their owners political agenda .( CNN being a prime example )
As I have said  before  , everything is so polarized these ,Nobody debates a subject anymore , they just try and win brownie points by making digs or put downs and in many cases just dislike the person ,even if they say something factually correct . And if someone bites it makes it all the better for them
I may make the odd post these days on here or Facebook but as always when posting online it just ends up with a slagging match . Best to discuss political or news topics with friends face to face rather than with bored internet users .

BTW .. They will be giving Vaccines in the Village soon but nobody wants as it's the Sinovac Chinese Vaccine. Maybe they are Epoch Times reader  :laugh:

Offline CO-CO

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Re: Covid-19
« Reply #46 on: July 05, 2021, 05:21:21 PM »
What a quizzical reply. Why aren't you able to answer a simple question, are the persons in the video actors or liars. My humble advice is for you to continue to hide behind your anonymous privilege  on this forum.

Although I am quite new to the forum, one thing I have quickly noticed is that you (Tassie) take such offence when someone disagrees with you or when they have a different opinion.

This is a public forum. It is here for open discussion.

The makers of the vaccines have NEVER said that you cannot catch the virus after having been vaccinated. None of the makers have EVER said there will be no side effects.

The fact is that some people will have side effects and some will get the virus after having been vaccinated. The idea of the vaccine is to lesson the symptoms, lesson hospital visits or stays and, most importantly, to lower the death rate. That is happening and figures prove that.

If you wish to post anti vaccine videos and, possibly, propaganda then feel free to do so.

However, name calling and general spiteful remarks are just crass and not really helping.

Finally,................... a voice of reason.

Offline ChuckNorris

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Re: Covid-19
« Reply #47 on: July 05, 2021, 05:31:28 PM »
What a quizzical reply. Why aren't you able to answer a simple question, are the persons in the video actors or liars. My humble advice is for you to continue to hide behind your anonymous privilege  on this forum.

Although I am quite new to the forum, one thing I have quickly noticed is that you (Tassie) take such offence when someone disagrees with you or when they have a different opinion.

This is a public forum. It is here for open discussion.

The makers of the vaccines have NEVER said that you cannot catch the virus after having been vaccinated. None of the makers have EVER said there will be no side effects.

The fact is that some people will have side effects and some will get the virus after having been vaccinated. The idea of the vaccine is to lesson the symptoms, lesson hospital visits or stays and, most importantly, to lower the death rate. That is happening and figures prove that.

If you wish to post anti vaccine videos and, possibly, propaganda then feel free to do so.

However, name calling and general spiteful remarks are just crass and not really helping.

Finally,................... a voice of reason.

Even if I did write "lesson" and not "lessen". :D

Offline CO-CO

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Re: Covid-19
« Reply #48 on: July 05, 2021, 05:32:41 PM »
Still avoiding the question, are the persons in the video actors and liars? What is your answer Mudcat and Co Co?
Didn't expect an answer, only negative as usual airhead feedback.
Please don't lecture people on what they believe or not believe according to your so called self-imposed wisdom or experience Co CO. You and Muscat as well as the tag along bandwagon jumpers such as Simple Joe fail again to address the issue of the video.  Your words don't dispel the fact that some people as evidenced by the video can catch Covid after being vaccinated and these victims have a right to be heard.  Only arrogant people and those wishing to hide something fail to give these victims a voice.
I know that some fail to understand that the Epoch Times is basically against China and if that is a fact then why would they offer a video about Americans who are suffering from the Covid jab. You can't have it both ways. If you don't like the truth then pull you head in.

Sheep!!    :D :D

I always get a good laugh when the Covid deniers use the term "Sheep" often sighting their belief in Godʻs will keeping them safe. When in actuality the term "Sheep" refers to the followers of Christ ...itʻs pretty funny the sheep are the oneʻs who deny science and follow some crap they saw on youtube, some drunk on a barstool or some nut on TV

It's all a con, see? Every single Govt on the planet has colluded to trick us all into going into isolation and wearing masks for some reason. And nearly 4 million people around the world have faked their own deaths; they're all hiding on the moon, being entertained by Elvis. I thought everyone knew that?
« Last Edit: July 05, 2021, 11:31:45 PM by Mod »

Offline CO-CO

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Re: Covid-19
« Reply #49 on: July 05, 2021, 05:40:12 PM »
Although I'm not a regular Epoch Times reader, to suggest someone is an idiot for reading it is crazy .Many things The Epoch Times posted a year or so ago and called conspiracy theories are now popular beliefs .
Most online media is now either right or left  ( the far right being anything the left doesn't like ) . I would no more get my daily news from the Epoch Times than I would from the UK's Guardian . But I would sooner watch the New GB News than the BBC or Sky  and Fox News than CNN so you can guess my political leaning. Most news sites now are  not reporting news but reporting propaganda that suits their owners political agenda .( CNN being a prime example )
As I have said  before  , everything is so polarized these ,Nobody debates a subject anymore , they just try and win brownie points by making digs or put downs and in many cases just dislike the person ,even if they say something factually correct . And if someone bites it makes it all the better for them
I may make the odd post these days on here or Facebook but as always when posting online it just ends up with a slagging match . Best to discuss political or news topics with friends face to face rather than with bored internet users .

BTW .. They will be giving Vaccines in the Village soon but nobody wants as it's the Sinovac Chinese Vaccine. Maybe they are Epoch Times reader  :laugh:

Agree...................Covid, Brexit and Trump  -  A "no go" area amongst friends.


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Re: Covid-19
« Reply #50 on: July 05, 2021, 06:30:00 PM »
Chuck Norris, its best not to have an opinion or post on this forum as the police culture vultures trolls are ever present to add their 2 shillings worth of confronting comments, such as yourself for jumping into the discussion.  It is no one's business to attack the messenger and not the message that I originally posted.  I posted a message which after repeated times of asking whether the participants on the video were either actors or liars not one of these internet Buriram expat forum police  trolls answered but decided to run instead and couldn't comment. They run from the question as is quite obvious. They decided to bag the report then me.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2021, 11:30:25 PM by Mod »

Offline ChuckNorris

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Re: Covid-19
« Reply #51 on: July 05, 2021, 06:32:29 PM »
Chuck Norris, its best not to have an opinion or post on this forum as the police culture vultures are ever present to add their 2 shillings worth of confronting comments, such as yourself for jumping into the discussion.  It is no one?s business to attack the messenger and not the message that I originally posted.  I posted a message which after repeated times of asking whether the participants on the video were either actors or liars not one of these internet Buriram expat forum police  trolls gave an opinion and wouldn?t verify their position other than to bag the report and then me. .

My point proved. Once again. Thanks Tassie.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2021, 11:30:58 PM by Mod »

Offline Smithy

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Re: Covid-19
« Reply #52 on: July 05, 2021, 07:07:32 PM »

Offline ChuckNorris

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Re: Covid-19
« Reply #53 on: July 06, 2021, 04:19:29 PM »
I posted a message which after repeated times of asking whether the participants on the video were either actors or liars not one of these internet Buriram expat forum police  trolls answered but decided to run instead and couldn't comment.

It's not a case of whether they were actors or liars. The point is, the video was posted as propaganda. Some people pleading hard done by because they caught Covid19 after being vaccinated and they believe they have some kind of rights. It's there to try to make people feel sorry for them when, in actual fact, there is nothing new.

As I mentioned before, the vaccine producers have NEVER stated that you will be totally immune to Covid19 following vaccination. The video wants to  make you think that they have.

The idea of the vaccine, as I mentioned before, is to lessen the symptoms, lessen hospital admissions and lessen deaths.

Offline CO-CO

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Re: Covid-19
« Reply #54 on: July 06, 2021, 07:20:02 PM »
I posted a message which after repeated times of asking whether the participants on the video were either actors or liars not one of these internet Buriram expat forum police  trolls answered but decided to run instead and couldn't comment.

It's not a case of whether they were actors or liars. The point is, the video was posted as propaganda. Some people pleading hard done by because they caught Covid19 after being vaccinated and they believe they have some kind of rights. It's there to try to make people feel sorry for them when, in actual fact, there is nothing new.

As I mentioned before, the vaccine producers have NEVER stated that you will be totally immune to Covid19 following vaccination. The video wants to  make you think that they have.

The idea of the vaccine, as I mentioned before, is to lessen the symptoms, lessen hospital admissions and lessen deaths.

IMO it is as simple as that - and something that allows the world to open up again.

Covid will still be around but it's affects will be much reduced

Offline Gerry

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Re: Covid-19
« Reply #55 on: July 07, 2021, 03:50:54 PM »
Why has Tassie become a "guest"?

Offline Mod

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Re: Covid-19
« Reply #56 on: July 07, 2021, 04:20:31 PM »
Why has Tassie become a "guest"?

He not member now.

Offline dimple joe

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Re: Covid-19
« Reply #57 on: July 07, 2021, 05:30:17 PM »
After the recent mauling he got on the this thread I felt a little sorry for Tassie and sent him a PM offering to  help him repair his poor reputation.

I sent :- 10.54 6th July
I offered you an olive branch once before which you rejected.
I offer it again.
I want to help you regain your credibility.
But you must start behaving like an adult.
Up to you

He responded :- 14.31 6th July
You offered nothing, but instead, continue to insert yourself negatively into my posts.   If you want peace keep your comments when I post to yourself. Act like a real man not a child.

After the quiet measured posts by Chuck Norris, Tassie posted:- about 22.00 6th July
Chuck Norris, my original posting was about people catching severe covid after they were fully vaccinated, nothing less nothing more. You erroneously upped the ante and claimed that it was propaganda.  The people were real. You are in denial. Who in the hell do you think you are acting as an internet censoring policing troll? I will post what I want and you will never tell me not to do so.

I found this hilarious and posted to say so.
I offered thanks for ending the day with a laugh.

He responded negatively.

Today I see all three posts have disappeared, so someone?s feelings must have been hurt resulting in a complaint to MOD.

I also have another PM from Tassie
05.38 7th July
Do you have any idea how insane you are. You have fu**ed with the wrong person. Stock up on straws. You are a pommy w**ker, highly qualified as the ultimate crazy village idiot in need of a cake of soap.  Where can we meet?

Just a heads up chaps, he is obviously not the full shilling
« Last Edit: July 07, 2021, 05:32:14 PM by Mod »

Offline Mod

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Re: Covid-19
« Reply #58 on: July 07, 2021, 05:34:48 PM »
After the recent mauling he got on the this thread I felt a little sorry for Tassie and sent him a PM offering to  help him repair his poor reputation.

I sent :- 10.54 6th July
I offered you an olive branch once before which you rejected.
I offer it again.
I want to help you regain your credibility.
But you must start behaving like an adult.
Up to you

He responded :- 14.31 6th July
You offered nothing, but instead, continue to insert yourself negatively into my posts.   If you want peace keep your comments when I post to yourself. Act like a real man not a child.

After the quiet measured posts by Chuck Norris, Tassie posted:- about 22.00 6th July
Chuck Norris, my original posting was about people catching severe covid after they were fully vaccinated, nothing less nothing more. You erroneously upped the ante and claimed that it was propaganda.  The people were real. You are in denial. Who in the hell do you think you are acting as an internet censoring policing troll? I will post what I want and you will never tell me not to do so.

I found this hilarious and posted to say so.
I offered thanks for ending the day with a laugh.

He responded negatively.

Today I see all three posts have disappeared, so someone?s feelings must have been hurt resulting in a complaint to MOD.

I also have another PM from Tassie
05.38 7th July
Do you have any idea how insane you are. You have fu**ed with the wrong person. Stock up on straws. You are a pommy w**ker, highly qualified as the ultimate crazy village idiot in need of a cake of soap.  Where can we meet?

Just a heads up chaps, he is obviously not the full shilling

Tassie now left forum. Let's forget it now.

Offline Smithy

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Re: Covid-19
« Reply #59 on: July 07, 2021, 05:55:17 PM »
Tassie now left forum. Let's forget it now.

Thats a shame , I quite enjoyed his posts  spot1


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